Bang Dream バンドリ Fvga 480 800 壁紙 青葉 モカ あおば もか アニメ スマホ用画像
/ Characters list / Moca Aoba Moca doesn't really have anything that she's super into, and is apathetic towards things that don't interest her, but she's the type who will get really worked up about the people she finds important She likes to keep doing one thing without quitting, and playing her instrument is one of those things・ファンキット(Twitterアイコン、Twitterヘッダー画像、スマートフォンおよびタブレット用壁紙) 第2条 (禁止事項) 以下に記載する事項を禁止いたします。 (1) 本著作物を、第三者に譲渡・売買・貸